While trying to figure this out I found this blog: http://thestrayworld.com/2010/04/23/how-to-convert-wma-lossless-to-flac-in-ubuntu-karmic/
Which should work but is not succinct and involves redundant operations.
Firstly, if you do download wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe from Microsoft (where else ;¬) , you do not need to install it under Wine.
You do need Wine though, so get that first if you don't have it.
Instructions for Ubuntu, other distributions may differ.
Right click on the wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe file and choose:
Open With > Archive Manager.
Then in the Archive Manager extract and run WindowsXP-MSCompPackV1-x86.exe .
Then install foobar2000 under wine, it will be able to play and convert lossless WMA.
I am fairly sure that this is not the only way and that there may be a way to include WMA lossless functionality into some native app's but it certainly is easy.
I hope this saves somebody some time.
Take a look at
It appears that
ffmpeg -i $1.wma -acodec flac -aq 100 $1.flac
will do the trick.
Of course, you need to
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
Thanks Chandra, it is true, as of 2012 ffmpeg has lossless WMA support! Which makes my article defunct unless you resist using the command line.